
March 31, 2011

LBP gets some new stripes

March was a busy month for LBP.  We can't believe it's finally over OR how it's ending...  not so sure about it being "in like a lion, out like a lamb" with the snow predicted in tomorrow's forecast! 

On top of the LBP friends & family birthday festivities, we've been hard at work creating and setting up our Etsy shop, theLITTLEBLACKshop.  What's with the name, you ask?  Well, imitation is certainly the sincerest form of flattery.  As you may recall us mentioning in our first blog entry, the definition of "chic", we've received a lot of compliments on our moniker over the years.  And apparently someone liked it so much that they decided to use it for THEIR Etsy shop, making it unavailable to us.  So don't be fooled, we have NO association with "littleblackpress" on Etsy; for all other intents and purposes, you can be sure that Little Black Press is ours.  Nevertheless, we're thrilled to finally have our shop up and running so we can share the chic! 

In honor of our new venture, we decided it was time for some new stripes, so redesigned our logo.  And of course, we had to change the blog to match!  We're smitten with the chevron pattern and hope you are too. 

The other thing we're really in love with are our new line of cupcake toppers and party goods.  Being as obsessed with fashion as we are, how could we resist the opportunity to accessorize our cupcakes too?!  (And of course, getting to eat the photo props isn't bad either!).  Our fellow Etsians have been showing us a lot of love and have featured several of the toppers from our Spring line:

Mini Pinwheels - set of 12 in the Gone with the Wind feature:
Easter Egg cupcake wrappers - set of 12 in The Easter Bunny feature:

Elephants - set of 12 in the EleFUN feature:
Bunny Ears - set of 12 (Pastels) in the hipHOPpity feature:
Bunny Ears - set of 12 (Brights) in the Fun Easter Finds feature:
Bunny Rabit - set of 12 (Brights) in the Rainbow Easter feature:
Baby Bird (Girl) - set of 12 in the Cupcake feature:

We've got lots of designs in the works that we're very excited about, so keep popping in the shop to see what's new.  Have a specific design in mind, but can't find a match?  Let us know what you need and we'll create some custom cupcake couture for you.